Kubiekeruimteactiviteit | Infosessie klimaatbestendige tuinen

Lezing ‘Verruil het grijs in je tuin voor groen en blauw’

Datum: dinsdag 17 november 2020
Omwille van de coronamaatregelen gaat de lezing online door.

   Leden en studenten: gratis
   Deelname: 5 Euro 

Inschrijving liefst vóór 15 november 2020.

International Summerschool ‘Green Climate Axes in Ghent’, 27 august – 4 september 2018

Cities are extremely vulnerable for climate change. Qualitative blue green networks help them adapt to these changes. The notion ‘blue’ in blue green networks refers to water retention and water discharge, ‘green’ to less sealed surface and to extra trees and shrubs in order to reduce heat stress and air pollution. The blue green networks not only help cope extreme weather conditions, they also contribute to an attractive and child friendly living environment as they lead nature to the city and bikers from the city center to the more massive green elements and urban agriculture in the fringe. “International Summerschool ‘Green Climate Axes in Ghent’, 27 august – 4 september 2018” verder lezen